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Our Sacramental registers contain information which reveal religion. To comply with GDPR regulations which came into effect in May 2018, please be aware that we cannot send copy entries out to anyone who requests a copy unless the copy entry is for the person who received the Sacrament.
Proof of identity will be required before a copy entry is provided.
FOR A CHILD UNDER THE AGE OF 12: The parent/guardian will need to supply proof of ID and a copy of the birth certificate of the child.
FOR A CHILD OVER THE AGE OF 12: The child will need to ask for the information themselves or write to authorise the release of the information to the parent/guardian; in which case, we need to see proof of ID of both the parent/guardian and the child.
FOR A LIVING ADULT: The adult in question will need to ask for the information themselves and supply proof of ID. Alternatively, the adult can write to authorise the release of the information to a nominated person; in which case, both adults need to supply proof of ID.
Our Sacramental registers contain information which reveal religion. To comply with GDPR regulations which came into effect in May 2018, please be aware that we cannot send copy entries out to anyone who requests a copy unless the copy entry is for the person who received the Sacrament.
Proof of identity will be required before a copy entry is provided.
FOR A CHILD UNDER THE AGE OF 12: The parent/guardian will need to supply proof of ID and a copy of the birth certificate of the child.
FOR A CHILD OVER THE AGE OF 12: The child will need to ask for the information themselves or write to authorise the release of the information to the parent/guardian; in which case, we need to see proof of ID of both the parent/guardian and the child.
FOR A LIVING ADULT: The adult in question will need to ask for the information themselves and supply proof of ID. Alternatively, the adult can write to authorise the release of the information to a nominated person; in which case, both adults need to supply proof of ID.